Wednesday 16 February 2011


McFly's drummer Harry Judd had pictures DOCTORED to enhance his six-pack, other members of the boyband revealed.  The half-naked 25-year-old graces the cover of this month's Attitude magazine, much to the amusement of his fellow bandmates.

Tom, Dougie and Danny couldn't contain their giggles when a fan produced a copy of the men's glossy at an intimate gig at Radio City in Liverpool during a tour of the station.   Revealing Harry's secret, cheeky guitarist Danny, 24, told fans: "Little do you know, there's loads of post-production on that.


"They put his six-pack on afterwards!"   Harry, who previously posed nude in a shower with the rest of the pop rock band, retorted: "Can you feel the jealousy in the room?"

Close pal Dougie, who jokingly claims to be "Harry Judd's girlfriend" on Twitter, sat open mouthed as he flicked through the pages in front of the giggling teen audience.   The 23-year-old bassist screamed: "Oh my God, I haven't seen that one.

"You're doing that thing when you try to look all cute.   "I'm actually going to get that blown up and put in my flat!"    The boys performed an acoustic gig to a delighted audience at the top of the Radio City tower, hosted by mid-morning DJ Rick Vaughn.   

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