Wednesday 26 August 2009

Freddie Stroma – Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

So who has not seen the film yet? I haven’t actually, but I still like to keep upto date with what is happening in the film world.  If you haven’t seen the film then watching it for British hottie Freddie Stroma seems a good enough reason to me.


With his new heartthrob status and countless fan blogs dedicated to him, such as a Facebook group called, "Freddie Stroma Puts Me in a Coma," he admits it's a fine line between weird and flattering. "It is a bit strange having other people talk and have opinions about me, and people looking up stuff about me," says Stroma. "It's people saying that they like me. It's quite nice."

Unfortunately ladies, he's off the market. The curly blond, blue-eyed hunk with washboard abs has a girlfriend of two and a half years. They met at school and she's not in showbiz. He calls her "quite lovely and a supportive girl." Though female fans are already swooning over him, "She's not worried about it," he says. "She knows that I'm not the kind of person that would let it go to my head so there's nothing really to worry about. We are in a committed relationship."

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Unlike his brash romance skills onscreen, Stroma is personally more of a sensitive romantic. "I like to think that I'm a romantic type of person, but I'm a realistic romantic," he says. "For me it's the sweet gestures like the little things in life that I can do when I am with someone. It's just about constantly reminding them how much they mean to me. ... Saying the 'L-word' everyday, that's the one that everyone is terrified of but don't need to be."

Another thing he's not afraid of? Sweets. "I've got a ridiculously sweet tooth," he says. "I have a lot of candy and I usually pick-n-mix, which is a killer, and Haribo is pretty good as well. But cookies and milk are pretty standard for me. I have a lot of it. I'm quite a bit shocked how much I haven't grown up in that sense."

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He's also not too old to cut a rug. "1 don't have any particular moves but I like trying desperately to do Michael Jackson moves jokingly with friends," he says of his dancing skills, which are making the rounds on the Internet. "There's an Acne modeling video on the Net where I'm dancing in my underwear and it shows I'm not good because I had to dance barefoot to music that I didn't know ... I have not heard the end of it from my rugby friends since that was released."

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