Monday 10 March 2008

Echo Beach! Do you like it ?

When Echo Beach was first announced by ITV it seemed like it would be worth watching. But although it has a very hot cast. It doesn't really interest me that much, although the sex scene on the beach with Ed Speelers in it made watching that episode worth it.

I have found many soaps tend to get boring after the first few episodes. Echo Beach needs to show some more flesh after all its set on a beach!!!!

Echo Beach is the title of a British television soap opera set in the fictional Cornish coastal town of Polnarren which began airing on ITV1 on January 10, 2008 and continues on Fridays thereafter. The show lasts for twelve weekly episodes and filming began in July 2007 for January 2008 broadcast. Tony Jordan created the show and it was produced by Kudos for ITV.

I will have to keep watching the show after all it has Ed Speelers and Christian Cooke in it.

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